By Silkworth, W.D., New York, N.Y.
Medical Record, April 21, 1937
allergic nature of true alcoholism has been postulated in a previous
paper (1). We there endeavored to show that alcohol does not become a
problem to every person who uses it, and that the use of alcohol in
itself does not produce a chronic alcoholic. Of those who are able to
drink with impunity, however, a certain number will sooner or later
develop this anaphylactic condition, in which the tissue cells are
sensitized to alcohol. We believe that the alarming increase in such
cases may be directly attributed to the failure of the medical
profession to recognize the true alcoholic pathology and to treat the
condition as a somatic dysfunction rather than as a combined physical
condition and a psychological maladjustment. But before instituting
treatment, it is essential to determine whether a case is acute or
chronic; that is, allergic.
present all the minutiae of the treatment of allergic alcoholism in
the space of one article is, of course impossible. It is necessary,
though, first to divide these alcoholics roughly into two groups;
namely, first, those who have reached an acute crisis and, therefore,
require hospitalization either to avoid the crisis and prevent
delirium tremens, or to bring the patient safely through such a
crisis: and, second, those whose condition is such that, with proper
treatment, no danger crisis exists. Practically all the cases would
be in the second category if the patient’s condition was recognized
and the proper treatment started promptly. However, through failure
of the patient to reach the physician in time, or through failure of
the physician to provide treatment, many do reach the crisis stage.
is, therefore, necessary to recognize three phases of treatment. The
first phase applies only to those in the first category, referred to
above, which ordinarily should have been avoided. The last two phases
apply to both categories since they are necessary regardless of
whether or not the patient had to go through the first phase. We
might define these three phases as follows: 1, Management of the
acute crisis; 2, physical normalization and cell revitalization so
that craving is eliminated, and 3, mental and normal stabilization,
which naturally involves some “normal psychology.”
of the fact that such a stage is usually avoidable, it is not avoided
in many instances, and, hence, its existence must be recognized, not
only so that it may be properly treated, but also so that it may be
avoided in a larger percentage of cases. If the physician has kept
abreast of current developments in the handling of this problem, such
a crisis exists only because it was there before the patient came to
the physician. This being true, prompt and thorough measures must be
taken before any body cell normalization is undertaken. In other
words, with a crisis, a negative treatment is first required. We
firmly believe that most such acute cases should be hospitalized,
but, in selected cases, and where hospitalization is impossible, home
treatment may be undertaken.
the most serious complication of acute alcoholism is acute delirium,
the first consideration of the attending physician must be to
determine whether or not this is imminent. The imminence of delirium
tremens can usually be recognized within a few hours; its onset is
recognized by:
1. A persistent rapid action of the heart (pulse rate to 140).
2. A rise in temperature to 100 F. plus.
3. Persistent insomnia not yielding to sedatives.
4. Increase in the tremors, which may include the muscles of the face, and progress to an ataxic gait.
5. Profuse perspiration (present in over half our cases).
6. The general picture of progressive alcoholism, although the patient is receiving practically no alcohol.
In the presence of the foregoing symptoms, the alcohol must not be abruptly discontinued. From our experience in thousands of cases, we believe the average patient properly treated without deprivation of alcohol will seldom develop delirium tremens. The patient must be adjusted to a controlling dose which is physiological for him - say one ounce every four hours, with an occasional ounce between, if symptoms increase.
relieve the pressure in the brain and spinal cord (unless spinal
puncture is contemplated), dehydration must begun at once. Unless
contraindicated, we begin with a large dose of physic, preferably a
cathartic to be followed by a saline purgative. The chief
contraindication is enlargement of the liver. If abdominal distension
is present, catharsis must be discarded and high colonic irrigations
of warm saline should be substituted. On the next day, if the abdomen
is no longer distended, the cathartic can be administered
advantageously. In patients who are obstreperous and uncooperative,
these warm saline irrigations have a somewhat sedative action. The
dehydration is continued for from three to four days, depending on
the strength of the patient.
alcoholic gastritis, vomiting is common following the administration
of saline purgatives by mouth. This simply amounts to a saline
lavage, and the saline should not be repeated until it is retained.
Acidosis is frequently present in these cases and should be
recognized and treated by the usual methods.
that we are still dealing with the acute stage and considering only
the negative treatment, we must recognize that sleep must be induced.
This is a prime necessity in view of the insomnia which is universal
with these cases. Morphine should be avoided if at all possible, as
it increases brain congestion and frequently leads to a fatal issue.
Before a sedative is administered, the physician must ascertain
whether one has been previously been given and action is delayed. The
cumulative action of an additional dose is sometimes most serious. We
have seen a number of instances in which a dose of morphine fired a
whole train of sedatives that had been given previously with no
effect, with promptly fatal results. If the patient contrives to get
more alcohol than has been prescribed and large doses of sedatives
must be administered, the depressant action of the alcohol, combined
with the sedation, may culminate in a state of mental confusion
leading to hallucinosis.
about the fourth day the alcohol can be entirely withdrawn, as by
this time the crisis has been avoided or safely passed through and,
hence, the patient is in the second phase of the treatment (which
should have been the first stage in most cases, as previously noted).
The following is typical of a patient who had to go through the first
I (Hospital No. 17). - Mr. M., aged forty-one. His family history was
history: The patient had been a moderate drinker for ten years, with
no apparent interference with his work, which was exacting, or his
family life, which was normal. The picture then changed over a period
of a few months, so that alcohol became an immediate problem. He
would abstain entirely for a week and then, on taking one drink,
would again have to continue for a number of days, sometimes weeks.
he could not understand this development in his case, believing it
due to some lack of will power, and finally falling back on other
examination was negative as regards organic disease. The heart was
rapid (pulse rate 120); blood pressure 180 -100. Generalized tremors
were present. The facial expression was anxious and there was a
general sense of apprehension. No food had been eaten for the
previous three days and insomnia was marked.
Immediate detoxication was initiated by means of free catharsis and
the cerebral pressure automatically relieved. He was allowed a
moderate amount of alcohol, varied according to his condition.
Sedatives were given in moderation, but not enough to cause a sudden
“knock-out.” Following three days of this treatment, alcohol and
sedatives were discontinued, and the patient, still being nervous and
finding difficulty in sleeping, we decided to try an especially
prepared combination consisting of an orthocolloidal iodine complex
and an orthocolloidal gold. In one week’s time, there was a return
to entire normalcy as regards the physical condition and the
treatment was continued for a period of three weeks.
this phase are included all allergic patients who have either been
kept clear of the acute crisis or who have been safely passed through
that phase by hospitalization. Therefore, in this phase we are able
to start to deal with alcoholism as a manifestation of an allergy. We
have established to our satisfaction that this allergy is the result
of the body cells becoming sensitized to alcohol. It naturally
follows that the proper treatment is one which will desensitize the
cells, restore them to normal, and add to their defensive mechanism
by activating them and re-energizing them. Without such a corrective
of the constitutional condition, neither the ordinary allergic
patient who has not had a crisis, nor those who have passed through
the crisis as a result of the negative treatment described above, can
be benefited to any lasting extent.
this body cell condition is a colloidal phenomenon, the logical
treatment in the restoration to normal, physiologically, is the
administration of an appropriate colloidal preparation such as that
referred to in the case previously described. This particularly
appeals to us in that our experience demonstrates that it relieves
the necessity for the use of sedatives which often produce disastrous
results, retard recovery and lead to various habit formations, and in
addition, the danger of “let-down” is obviated, as illustrated
with the following cases:
II (Hospital No, 431). - A man of thirty-six just returning from
China, where he had been drinking heavily for five or six months,
presented himself for treatment, with the usual history. Following
the standard method of detoxication, a tremor, of the intention type,
persisted, which we were unable to relieve with the usual means of
sedatives or physiotherapy. we then use the special colloidal iodine
complex and colloidal gold, and, in about a week, there was a marked
diminution in the tremor. After two weeks of further treatment, the
condition was scarcely noticeable and the craving for alcohol has not
III (Hospital No. 981). - A young man of twenty-eight had suffered
severe attacks of migraine since the age of 14. He had been said to
be allergic to many forms of food and had eliminated most type of
food as a consequence. He had for some time been using morphine and
hyocine for relief of the attacks of pain. For the last few months,
he had been living in a room from which all light had been
eliminated, believing that was of further benefit to him. His weight
was eighty pounds. His mental attitude was one of despair and he had
practically lost all interest in the general affairs of life.
Following our detoxificating treatment, we decided, along with our
usual procedure in such cases9 to try the special colloidal iodine
complex and colloidal gold preparation (previously referred to as
being appropriate with alcoholics). The result was that in the next
two weeks he had gained fourteen pounds, was able to endure his
attacks of migraine, which were much milder in character, was eating
a mixed diet, moving about daily, and is talking of resuming his
these patients are still in the second phase of the entire condition,
and elimination of the phenomenon of craving that follows the
treatment does not constitute a cure. In some cases, desire never
returns. In others, relapses occur, but it is noteworthy that the
intervals between debauches are lengthened, and the sprees, when they
do occur, are not prolonged. As in the case of any other allergy, the
body can not usually be exposed again to the sensitizing agent
without danger. In these patients, therefore, there can be no
compromise with alcohol. The final cure rests with themselves. What
we can do is to give them a sound physical basis on which to build
the intelligently controlled mental attitude which is essential to
their complete restoration. This however will be discussed when we
outline the third phase of treatment. We must utter a word of caution
here, however, which is that measures designed to contribute to the
physical rehabilitation of the patient are not indicated while
delirium tremens is imminent, but only when the crisis has been
brought under control or where no such crisis exists.
of these allergics are above average in intelligence and become
worthwhile members of society when freed from alcohol. In some,
constitutional psychopaths, manic-depressives, and those in whom
alcohol has produced a degenerative condition of the brain cells, the
prognosis is bad; with these, temporary improvement is obtained but
relapse is the rule. By this, we do not mean that, where the
prognosis is bad, the alcoholic should be cast aside into the
psychopathic scrap heap without any attempt at reclamation.
Frequently, a patient with a seemingly complete mental breakdown
shows a remarkable transformation after his system has been
detoxicated and re-normalized. In other words, it is usually is
impossible to predict whether there is anything left worth saving and
on which to build, until he has been normalized by the treatment and
medication described. When this has been done, then, for the first
time, we can see what material we have to work with in trying to
restore a normal attitude toward life.
In allergics with physical ailments or deformities the prognosis is good, especially if during hospitalization the other condition can be remedied. But the largest group comprises individuals as normal as the rest of us except that they have become allergic to alcohol. They must be given an intelligent conception of their anaphylactic condition.
approach is somewhat as follows: We endeavor to impress upon the
patient that his condition is physical and not mental as regards the
drug; that the reasons he gives for drinking (social and financial
problems, escape from a feeling of inferiority, etc.) are but alibis.
He has a medical problem to face, that a law of nature is working
inexorably in his case as in a diabetic. We define allergy and
interpret its characteristics, until we are sure he has grasped the
fundamental nature of the case. He can then appreciate that only by
entirely avoiding the toxic factor, alcohol, can he avoid an “attack”
of alcoholism.
we can bring our detoxicated and cell normalized patient who has lost
his craving for alcohol, to this viewpoint, he will be in a position
to make a decision to forego its use. Without quibbling over words,
we wish to differentiate between a decision and a resolution, or
declaration, of which the alcoholic has probably made many. A
resolution is an expression of a momentary emotional desire to
reform. Its influence lasts only until he has an impulse to take a
drink. A decision on the other hand, is the expression of a mental
conviction, based on an intelligent conception of his condition.
After a resolution is made the individual must fight constantly with
himself; the old environmental forces are still arrayed against him,
and he finally succumbs to his old means of escape. However, if he
has made a decision, through understanding of facts appealing to his
intelligence, he has changed his entire attitude. He can go back to
his former environment, mix with his drinking friends (without
concern, because his craving has been counteracted), and meet his
worries and disappointments as a normal person: he is free from all
the emotional restrictions that formerly activated him to drink. No
will power is needed because he is not tempted.
have seen this reasoning operate successfully in many cases, even as
we have seen many failures following what we term resolutions or
believe that this decision is in the nature of an inspiration. The
patient knows he has reached a lasting conclusion, and experiences a
sense of great relief. These individuals, introverts for the most
part, whose interests center entirely in themselves, once they have
made their decision, frequently ask how they can help others.
III (Hospital No. 993). - A man of thirty-eight, who had been
drinking heavily for five years, had lost all of his property and was
practically disowned by his family, was brought to the hospital with
a gastric hemorrhage. His general condition was typical of allergic
alcoholism and apparently he was mentally beyond hope. Following
through elimination and medical rehabilitation, he made a
satisfactory physical return. He then took up moral psychology and,
in two years’ time has entirely recovered his lost fortune and has
been elected to a prominent public position. On meeting this patient
recently, we experienced a strange sensation; while we recognized the
features, a different man seemed to be speaking, as if a
self-confident stranger had stepped into this man’s body.
IV (Hospital No. 1152). - A broker, who had earned as much as $25,000
a year, and had come, through alcohol, to a position where he was
being supported by his wife, presented himself for treatment carrying
with him two books on philosophy from which he hoped to get a new
inspiration: His desire to discontinue alcohol was intense, and he
certainly made every effort within his own capabilities do to so.
Following the course of treatment in which the alcohol and toxic
products were eliminated and his craving counteracted, he took up
moral psychology. At first, he found it difficult to rehabilitate
himself financially, as his old friends had no confidence in his
future conduct. Later he was given an opportunity, and is now a
director in a large corporation. He gives part of his income to help
others in his former condition, and he has gathered about him a group
of over fifty men, all free from their former alcoholism through the
application of this method of treatment and “moral psychology.”
such patients we recommend “moral psychology,” and in those of
our patients who have joined or initiated such groups the change has
been spectacular.
Silkworth, W.D. Alcoholism as a Manifestation of Allergy, Medical
Record, March 17, 1937.
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