By Bill W. New York, December 1957 ©
you know, our present General Service Board of A.A. is composed of 8
non-alcoholics, and 7 alcoholics. The Board’s Charter legally
provides that the non-alcoholic members must always exceed the
alcoholics by a majority of one, no matter what the size of the Board
may be.
time to time we have debated changing this ratio in order to provide
a larger alcoholic membership to cope with the present day
conditions. At the 1957 Conference a "sense of the meeting"
poll revealed a desire to switch the ratio to 7 "nons" and
8 alkies. But the majority in favor of this change was not large
(44-33), and consequently the poll was not conclusive.
recently, I've never quite understood this reluctance in the
Conference and at the "grassroots" to place a majority of
alcoholics on A.A.’s Board of Trustees, even though more alcoholic
trustees are badly needed and despite the further fact that A.A.
declared at St. Louis in 1955 that it had "come of age" and
would definitely manage its own affairs henceforth.
are of course still agreed that we need non-alcoholic trustees to
give our General Service Board stability and public recognition. But
why should we insist on having a majority of them – particularly
when at groups, intergroups and club levels non-alcoholics are no
longer elected to our local boards or committees at all?
this unwillingness for change has often seemed inconsistent, I now
feel that this is nevertheless a situation in which – up to the
present time –the Conference has been right and I have been wrong.
the surface, it has been argued that we don’t want to force any of
our non-alcoholic friends and great benefactors off the General
Service Board. But we have never considered doing that. The original
non-alcoholics of our Board have long since died or resigned. As to
the present members, we have never had the slightest idea of asking
any of them for resignations, either. We want them all to stay, so
long as they will. Every plan to change the ratio of "alkies"
to the "nons" has emphasized that the transition would take
place only as fast as some of the present non-alcoholics resign of
their own accord. It can be confidently said that not one
non-alcoholic Board member today believes that a "majority of
nons" is necessary for an effective Trusteeship. The "nons"
have repeatedly offered to retire whenever we wish to shift the
ratio. Some of them have made this clear at actual Conference
sessions where this matter has been under debate. Therefore the fear
of pressuring or hurting our non-alcoholic friends has not actually
been the main underlying objection. What, then, is our real fear?
I think we still have the same basic fears that we had in 1938 when
the Board was first organized. Then (as probably now) we feared our
own instability. We feared wet benders, and even more we feared "dry"
benders. Since our present day "area Trustees" are really
elected people, we now fear politics in addition.
General Service Board is so remote from us that we don’t yet trust
a board of alkies – or even a majority of alkies – to handle
large funds and carry on important A.A. business. We still want a
majority of non-alcoholics to stand sentinel over us. This was in
1938 and it must be so today. What other reason could there be?
these fears still justified? Personally I now think – under present
conditions – that a few of these fears are really justified,
although many of them are definitely not. Therefore I believe the
Conference has – up to now – been correct in refusing to change
the trustee ratio.
or unconsciously the Conference has doubtless felt that the present
system of choosing alcoholic Trustees does not sufficiently guarantee
us a selection of Board members who will surely be free of politics;
who will always be able enough and stable enough to function
properly. That, I think, is the deep down difficulty.
now, can we do about this? To begin with, we can cure unjustified
fears by looking at the facts. Next we can change our structure so as
to guarantee the selection of time-tested alkies of trustee ability,
pretty much minus politics.
let’s tackle the unjustified fears and criticisms:
I've attended our Board meetings for nearly twenty years. I've seen
perilous times and very heated sessions, when the future of A.A. was
at stake. I've seen the non-alcoholics stabilize the Board in these
tempests. But I have never witnessed a session where a majority of
non-alcoholics would have been required to do this job.
have the alcoholic members been so wrong or unreasonable that a
complete majority of nons would have been required to vote them down.
In fact I've never seen the Board divide strictly on "alky"
and "non-alky" lines at any time. For "stabilization"
purposes a Board composed of one-third non-alcoholics would have done
exactly as well as a majority or non-alcoholics. A one-third
non-alcoholic membership would always have held the balance of voting
power under any conditions. Of this I'm positive.
we are even safer. A minority of the Board of Trustees can always
insist on referring questions in dispute to the Conference itself. It
is therefore impossible for the majority to make a foolish snap
decision on an important matter.
are also certain fears about the selection of the "in town"
alcoholic Trustees. Some people think we have too many of them. "Why
so many ‘New York’ alcoholics?" they ask. I believe both of
these fears to be unjustified. Let’s have a look: First, as to
numbers: Today we have 4 "in town" alcoholic Trustees.
Because our affairs and their ramifications have grown so large,
these volunteers are already overworked. The average A.A. has no idea
how much work there is for them and how important this labor is to
the week to week, and month to month, direction of our services. This
volume of important detail has become so huge that we can no longer
ask the non-alcoholic Board members to handle very much of it.
can the area "Trustees" be of much use for this purpose as
they show up in New York only once in three months. So the "in
town" alky Trustees must be constantly at work with the A.A.
Grapevine, A.A. Publishing, and the General Service Office. They must
have representation on our basic committees: Finance, Policy, and
Nominating. They also have to hold posts on the Literature, Public
Information, and General Service Committees. They must always be
nearby and on call.
them Headquarters’ every day management might collapse. If we ever
reduce the non-alcoholics on the Board by three, we shall have to
increase the number of "in town" alky Trustees to five, at
least. Neither can we possibly reduce their numbers in order to seat
more "area Trustees," as some now think we should.
this connection, more education is required. Many A.A.'s still
believe that the Board of Trustees should be primarily am "area"
representation, like the Conference. But while a certain amount of
area representation is really needed for A.A. policy formation, the
Board as a whole cannot possibly operate as an area or political
function. Mainly, the Board has to be composed of the best people we
can get, and most of them have to be near the operation itself.
Stockholders in a business corporation don’t insist that their
directors come from North, South, East or West. They insist that the
best possible directors be chosen. The more directors that can be
nearby, and on the job, the better. It is much like that with A.A.’s
let’s consider how the "New York" alkie Trustees are
selected. There has been worry about this, but there shouldn't be.
Every one of them gets a mighty careful screening, and all of them
have to be chosen for their special skills – finance, public
relations, law, writing, editorial, etc. It is not hard to find out
in advance whether an "in town" candidate has these
qualifications, and if he is a good worker and a good A.A. besides.
fine qualifications don’t get an "in town worker" onto
the Board of Trustees at once. He first must serve an apprenticeship
as a director of A.A. Publishing or the A.A. Grapevine. Thus we have
a good look at what he can, and will do. When a vacancy occurs on the
Board of Trustees, we therefore have a choice of several such men who
have already proven themselves. Even then, they have to pass muster
with the Nominating Committee of the Conference and the Nominating
Committee of the General Service Board. Of course a "dud"
is possible but not probable. I don’t see how this system could be
more airtight, and I think we can quit worrying; it has worked very
well for some years now.
Now we come to the question of the "area Trustees" and here
is mainly where the rub is.
need more "area alky" Trustees and we need them badly. At
present there are only three, and we could certainly use five. We
don’t need these A.A.'s to "represent" or to "politick"
for their areas – that isn't, and cannot be the idea. In fact they
represent A.A. world-wide.
we do want of them is help with our main policy decisions. The Board
must absolutely have the advice of the "area" members to
ascertain just what the "grassroots" feels and needs. These
"area" out of town members are the very heart of the
Board’s General Policy Committee which, every three months, sits
for a whole Sunday afternoon prior to the Trustees and other
Committee meetings the next day.
this Committee we filter every policy question that has arisen in the
quarter preceding. This Committee disposes of smaller matters. And,
after careful debate, it drafts recommendations to the Board of
Trustees on the larger ones. In cases where the Committee disagrees,
a minority report is made to the Board. This is the most important
and vital Committee in the whole Headquarters. Without it and it's
hard core of "area" Trustees, we could certainly make very
disastrous blunders. This is why we must have at least five "area"
the score, up to now, is a need for five "in town alkies"
and five "out of town alkies."
number we must have if we are going to function in the future.
serious doubts have arisen about the method of selection of the
"area" Trustees. Some of these doubts may well be
we continue, as at present, to select "area" Trustees by
straight Third Legacy elective methods, we may be letting ourselves
in for a future bad result. The number of them is so small that two
or three might not, at any particular time, be of the best Trustee
material. It is also to be remembered that these A.A.’s serve four
years each, and they attend sixteen meetings of the General Service
Board, plus four General Service Conferences. Once in, they are going
to stay there for a long time (something which of course, is
necessary for continuity). But the extra honor and prestige factor
would surely cause far more log rolling and political striving during
their Third Legacy elections, than could ever be the case with
Delegates. This political condition we simply cannot risk at the
Trustee level.
are still other factors to consider. While we are mainly looking (in
these "area" Trustees) for experienced and hard-working
A.A.’s who have the confidence of their regions and who understand
conditions there, we want as many as possible who also have business
or professional qualifications. This isn't a "must" with
"area" men. But it is very desirable because the Board has
so much business to transact. And most surely our good business
judgment should not be the monopoly of the "in town alkies"
and the non-alcoholics only.
when a vacancy occurs, the General Service Board ought to have some
latitude in filling that opening with the kind of man it needs at a
particular time. For example: if the Board already has two lawyers,
why send in another lawyer as an area Trustee if the main requirement
of the Board at the moment may be for an out of town finance man?
all these reasons I doubt if the present methods of selecting area
Trustees is either safe or practical. We have been very lucky in our
"area" Trustees so far. But I don’t think our "luck"
is likely to hold unless we change our system.
I offer for your consideration (or amendment) the following
as they resign, we reduce the number of non-alcoholics to five, this
number being quite enough for stability.
when two "nons" have left the Board, we replace them with
two additional "area" alkies.
when three "nons" have left the Board, we then add one more
"in town" alcoholic Trustee.
when the Board reduces to six "nons," we put into effect a
system for the selection of area Trustees which would be a
combination of the "Third Legacy" and the "appointive"
methods. This might be done as follows:
the U.S. into four large areas. Make Canada the fifth area. Each of
these areas would have a Trustee at all times.
year or more before a vacancy occurs, each state (or province) within
the affected area could name its own Trustee candidate – perhaps at
Assembly time, to avoid expenses.
this list of State (or Provincial) nominations, the Nominating
Committee of the Conference, sitting jointly with the Nominating
Committee of the General Service Board, would then select the "area"
Trustees from these several nominations; also an alternate, or
perhaps two alternates.
Joint Nominating Committee would be guided by the current needs of
the General Service Board, by a careful investigation of the
candidate nominee, and by a definite list of Conference approved
qualifications which each "area" Trustee should possess.
addition, the General Service Conference should approve the first
choice for a Trustee made by the Joint Nominating Committee. But if
the Conference disagrees with the Committee’s choice, the first
three choices of the Committee could then be put in the hat and
drawing made for the final choice. It is my firm belief that such a
system, combining the elective and appointive methods, can overcome
our present fears and greatly insure our safety in the years to come.
is my intention to offer these suggestions to the General Service
Board at their January 1958 meeting for their consideration.
I am offering this plan to you only for study and careful
consultation with your Committeemen, and with such other experienced
A.A.’s as you may wish to approach. Please bear in mind that this
plan is tentative only. It simply presents material upon which we
hope you will develop your ideas.
would clearly be a mistake – certainly at this stage – to carry
these ideas to the whole grassroots. Experience has shown that it is
always unwise to carry a problem of this sort to the grassroots at
once. The Conference itself must first have preliminary discussion so
that it can go home with definite ideas – pro and con. The
grassroots "conscience" certainly cannot function if it
hasn't got the facts.
for a change in the A.A. Traditions or in Article 12 of the
Conference Charter, it is of course not mandatory for the Conference
to go in for widespread grassroots consultation at all. The
Conference is elected on the basis that its members are trusted
servants of A.A. and so must have real powers of action and decision.
Practically speaking, the choice of whether or not to consult the
grassroots should be left up to each Delegate – as to his own area.
But he should never so consult until he can report at least a
preliminary discussion on the subject by the Conference itself.
Several years ago we got off to a confused start on the ratio
question for this very reason.
I think our timetable might now be:
consent in January 1958 as to general principles involved.
consideration in April 1958, concerning suggested change in ratio.
appointment in 1958 of a committee to study this subject and to
recommend a proposal for area discussion.
action on the proposal in 1959, if possible. In conclusion, it should
be emphasized that no changes in Trustee ratios, numbers, or manner
of selection should ever be permanent. Twenty years from now we may
want no non-alcoholics whatever; or maybe we'll need a lot more of
them just to keep us in line (something I don’t believe!). But the
Conference should have, and surely be given, complete control of this
matter at all times.
I don’t see why we should delay trying the experiment. I have just
outlined above. If it doesn't work, we can always change.
has often asked me to make suggestions and sometimes to take the
initiative in these structural projects. That is why I have tried to
go into this very important matter so thoroughly.
believe that I shall not be at all affected if you happen to
disagree. Above all, you must act on experience and on the facts; and
never because you think I want a change. Since St. Louis, the future
belongs to you!
Some A.A.’s believe that we should increase our Board from 15 to 21
members in order to get the 10 alcoholics we need. This would involve
raising the non-alcoholics from 8 to 11 in number. But, might this
not be cumbersome and needlessly expensive? Personally, I think so.
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