A - It will hear the annual reports of the Alcoholic Foundation, the General Office, Grapevine, and Works Publishing and also the report of our certified public accountant. The Conference will fully discuss these reports, offering needed suggestions or resolutions respecting them.
Trustees will present to the Conference all serious problems of
policy or finance confronting A.A. Headquarters, or A.A. as a whole.
Following discussions of these, the Conference will offer the
Trustees appropriate advice and resolutions.
attention will be given to all violations of our Tradition liable to
seriously affect A.A. as a whole. The Conference will, if it be
deemed wise, publish suitable resolutions deploring such deviations.
Conference activities will extend over a three-day weekend, Delegates
will be able to exchange views on every conceivable problem. They
will become closely acquainted with each other and with our
Headquarters people. They will visit the premises of the Foundation,
Grapevine and General Office. This should engender mutual confidence.
Guesswork and rumor are to be replaced by first-hand knowledge.
the conclusion of each year's Conference, a Committee will be named
to render all A.A. members a written report upon the condition of
their Headquarters and the state of A.A. generally.
a Conference Delegates return home, his State or Provincial Committee
will, if practical, call a meeting of Group representatives and any
others who wish to hear his personal report. The Delegate will get
these meetings reaction to his report, and its suggestions respecting
problems to be considered at future Conference sessions. The Delegate
ought to visit as many of his constituent Groups as possible. They
should have direct knowledge of their A.A. Headquarters. (Third
Legacy Pamphlet, October 1950).
- Through the General Service Conference, A.A. as a whole is now
brought into the picture. The Conference is a "huge rotating
committee" in whose hands has been placed the responsibility for
AA's worldwide services -- assistance to the Groups, public
relations, preparation and distribution of literature, foreign
propagation and other activities. (Bill W. 1st GSC, 1951)
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