Q - How can A.A. best assure its continued existence?
- Since the beginning of recorded time, many societies and nations of
civilizations have passed in review. In those great ones that have
left their mark for good, in contrast with those who have left their
mark for evil, there has always been a sense of history, a true and
high constant purpose, and there has always been a sense of destiny.
the societies which failed to leave a bright mark in the annals of
the world, there was always a false or boastful sense of history,
always a mistaken or inadequate purpose and always the presumption of
an infinite, a glorious and an exclusive destiny.
the societies that left their mark of goodness on time, the sense of
history was not a matter for pride or for glory; it was the substance
of the learning of the experience of the past. In the purpose of such
a society there was always truth and constancy, but never a
supposition that the society had apprehended all of the truth - or
the superior truth. And in the sense of destiny there was no conceit,
no supposition that a society or nation or culture would last forever
and go on to greater glories. But there was always a sense of duty to
be fulfilled, whatever destiny the society might be assigned by
providence for the betterment of the world.
is the crossroads at which we in A.A. stand. This is a good time to
re-examine how well we have looked upon our A.A. history and how much
we have profited by it, what false insights or false glories we may
have been extracting from history - to our future detriment. It is a
moment to examine the purpose of this Society. Indeed, we are very
lucky to be able to state as the nucleus of that purpose a single
word: sobriety.
early we saw, however, that sobriety in abstinence from alcohol could
never be attained unless there was sobriety and more quietude in the
false motivation that underlay our drinking.
the Twelve Steps were cast up - without any real experience and
therefore under some Guidance, surely - we were given keys to
sobriety in its wider implications. We have been blessed with a
concrete definition of purpose but, for all its concreteness, we
could still abuse it and misuse it in a very natural way.
times we begin to think that perhaps, according to Scriptural
promise, the first shall be last and the last - meaning us - shall
really be first. That would indeed be a very dangerous presumption
and never should we indulge it. If we do, we shall compete in history
with other societies who have been ill-advised enough to suppose that
they had a monopoly on truth or were in some way superior to other
attempts of men to think and to associate in love and in harmony.
may look out upon our destiny with no violation of our principle that
we are to live one day at a time. We mean that, emotionally, each in
his personal life is never to repine upon the past glory too much, in
the present, or presume upon the future. We shall attend to the day's
business but we shall try to apprehend ever more truth from the
lessons of our history, not the lessons of our successes but the
lessons of our defections, failures and the awful emotions that can
set us loose upon us. For these, indeed, are the raw materials that
God has used to forge this still rather little instrument called
Alcoholics Anonymous. So we may look at destiny and we may ask
ourselves about it and speculate upon it a little - if we do not
presume to play God. © (G.S.C., 1961)
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