A - After the Jack Alexander article was published in 1941 it brought down a deluge on our little New York office of thousands upon thousands of inquiries from frantic alcoholics, their wives, their employers and at that moment we passed out of our infancy and embarked upon our next phase -- the phase of adolescence.
adolescence by definition is a troubled time of young life and we
were no exception as groups began to take shape all over the land and
these groups immediately had trouble. We made the very sad discovery
that just because you sobered up a drunk you haven't made a saint out
of him by a long shot. We found that we could be bitterly resentful
and we discovered that we had a much better booze cure than we
thought possible. A lot of us found that we could gripe like thunder
and still stay sober. We found that we were in all sorts of petty
struggles for leadership and prestige. A lot of us were very
suspicious of the Book enterprise in the hands of that fellow Wilson
who has a truck backed up to Mr. Rockefeller who has all the dough.
And we began to have all sorts of troubles.
had entered the picture -- it had to. We had to hire halls that
didn't come for nothing, the book cost something, we had dinners once
in a while. Yes, money came into it.
we found little by little that the groups had to have chores done.
Who was going to be the Chairman, would we hand pick him or elect him
or what? You know what those troubles were and they became so
fearsome that we went through another period of flying blind. The
first period of flying blind you remember had to do with whether the
individual could be restored into one piece, whether the forces of
destruction in him could be contained and subdued. Now, we were
beginning to wonder in the early part of our adolescence, whether the
destructive forces in our groups would rend us apart and destroy the
society. Ah, those were fearsome days.
little New York office began to be deluged with mail from these
groups, growing up at distances and not in contact with our old
centers and they were having these troubles: There were people coming
out of the insane asylums. Lord, what would these lunatics do to us?
There were prisoners, would we be sandbagged? There were queer
people. There were people, believe it or not whose morals were bad
and the respectable alcoholics of that time shook their heads and
said, "Surely these immoral people are going to render us
asunder." Little Red Riding Hood and the bad wolves began to
abound. Ah, yes, could our society last?
kept growing, more groups, more members. Sometimes the groups divided
because the leaders were mad at each other and sometimes they divided
because they were just too big. But by a process of fission and
subdivision this movement grew and grew and grew. Ten years later it
had spread into thirty countries.
of that vast welter of experience in our adolescence it began to be
evident that we were going to take very different attitudes towards
many things than our fellow Americans. We were deeply convinced for
example, that the survival of the whole was far more important than
the survival of any individual or group of individuals. This was a
thing far bigger than any one of us. We began to suspect that once a
mass of alcoholics were adhering even halfway to the Twelve Steps,
that God could speak in their Group conscience and up out of that
Group conscience could come a wisdom greater than any inspired
the early days we all had membership rules. Where have they gone now?
We're not afraid anymore. We open our arms wide, we say we don't
care who you are, what your difficulties are You just need say, "I'm
an alcoholic and I'm interested." You declare yourself in. Our
membership idea is put exactly in reverse.
ago we thought this society should go into research and education, to
do everything for drunks all the time. We know better now. We have
one sole object in this society, we shoemakers are going to stick to
our last and we will carry that message to other alcoholics and leave
these other matters to the more competent. We will do one thing
supremely well rather than many things badly.
so our Tradition grew. Our Tradition is not American tradition. Take
our public relations policy. Why, in America everything runs on big
names, advertising people. We are a country devoted to heroism, it is
a beloved tradition and yet this movement in the wisdom of it's
Group's soul, knew that this was not for us. So our public relations
policy is anonymity at the public level. No advertising of people,
principles before personalities. Anonymity has a deep spiritual
significance -- the greatest protection this movement has.
our society has grown up it has developed its way of life, it's a way
of relating ourselves together, it's way of relating ourselves to
these troublesome questions of property, money and prestige and
authority and the world at large. The A.A. Tradition developed not
because I dictated it but because you people, your experience formed
it and I merely set it on paper and tried beginning four years ago
(1946) to reflect it back to you. Such were our years of adolescence
and before we leave them I must say that a powerful impetus was given
the Traditions by the Gentleman who introduced me. (Earl Treat.)
day he came down to Bedford Hills after the long form of the
Traditions were written out at some length because in the office we
were forever having to answer questions about Group troubles so the
original Traditions were longer and covered more possibilities of
trouble. Earl looked at me rather quizzically and he said "Bill,
don't you get it through your thick head that these drunks do not
like to read. They will listen for a while but they will not read
anything. Now, you want to capsule these Traditions as simply as are
the Twelve Steps to Recovery."
he and I stared the capsulizing process, which lasted a day or two
and that put the Traditions into their present form. Well, by this
time we had a lot of experience on these principles, which we began
to think might bind us together in unity for so long as God might
need us. And at Cleveland (1950), seven thousand of us did declare
"Yes, these are the traditional principles upon which we are
willing to stand, upon which we can safely commit ourselves to the
future and so we emerged from adolescence.
last year we took destiny by the hand. (Transcribed from tape.
Chicago, IL, February 1951).
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