Vol. 38, August 27, 1955
Vol. 38, August 27, 1955
was a time when the organization known as Alcoholics Anonymous, which
has become one of the greatest boons to the drunkards of the world,
had a membership, which was a little lopsided. On its rolls the
Bowery was better represented than Park Avenue, a fact deplored by
the organization's leaders. So, recognizing that the rich can become
just as alcoholic as the poor, the organization decided to do
something about it. Acting on its long-held tenet that only a sober
ex-drunk can cure a down-and-out drunk, the A.A. leaders looked
around for an ex-drunk with glamour and the ability to speak the Park
Avenue language. They found it in an ex-drunk countess. The result:
Park Avenue became as well represented as the Bowery on the rolls of
in the past few years, another change has taken place in the
membership of A.A. -- a change that has proved even more important
than that accomplished by the countess, but which was comparatively
unnoticed by the public-at-large until last month. At that time A.A.
held its bone-dry twentieth-anniversary convention and, in
conjunction with the ceremonies, issued a revised, second edition of
an oversized, ocean-blue volume, which is familiarly known to all A.A
members as "The Big Book."
new edition, like its predecessors, is jacketed in a reversible dust
cover, one side of which is blank, which allows it to be read in
trains and buses without attracting the eyes of the curious. But,
unlike its predecessor, the new edition is not intended solely for
alcoholics of the last-gasp variety. Right in the middle of it lies a
whole section devoted to drinkers who have not yet lost their
businesses or broken up their homes or, as most of A.A.'s original
members seem to have done, landed in jail. Says ex-A.A. president
Bill W. (who still keeps his last name anonymous, though he has now
stepped down from his executive position): "Now we're getting
cases whose drinking has merely become a menacing nuisance, and we're
glad for them"
In the
same way that A.A. discovered that the Park Avenue set could not be
reach' by the Bowery set it soon learned that potential alcoholics of
the "menacing nuisance" variety cannot be reached by a
membership composed largely of ex-last-gasp drunks. The solution:
A.A. members made an effort to get a few representative "menacing
nuisances" into the fold and, having accomplished this goal,
found that its roll call of these "nuisances" soon began to
increase by leaps and bounds. In the new edition of "The Big
Book" appear twelve well authenticate self-confessions by former
"menacing nuisances." The section is subtitled "They
Stopped in Time" and it will, A.A. leaders hope, bring even more
"menacing nuisances" into the organization. "Half the
people coming into A.A. today are in this group," Bill W. says,
"and the membership of this new class immediately identify with
each other.
we couldn't keep them"
exactly are these "menacing nuisances?" For A.A.'s purposes
they are that segment of drinkers who are potential alcoholics.
According to Bill W., there are certain well-defined symptoms by
which they can be distinguished from other drinkers, e.g.:
persistent lack of control over your drinking even when you want to
control it and when it is necessary that you do control it.
underlying maladjustment from which the excessive drinking usually
all A.A. 's, the new members find themselves in one of the most
cleverly constructed organizations of modern times. It accepts no
money from outsiders, so that even if you wanted to leave a bequest
to A.A. the money would be refused. It also insists on the public
anonymity of its members. (Last year Bill W turned down an honorary
degree of Doctor of Laws at Yale because it would have brought him a
personal type of glory frowned on by A.A) Yet these two rules alone
have been credited with bringing the organization more really
worthwhile publicity (i.e., the kind of publicity that reaches
alcoholics who need A.A.) than could have been achieved by any other
public-relations policy. (Good A.A. 's, for example, disapprove of
such authors as Lillian Roth, who has publicly broken the shell of
her A.A. anonymity to write such a best seller as "I'll Cry
Tomorrow." Says one A.A, spokesman privately in this connection:
"We have many members who have pulled themselves up by their own
equal cleverness, A.A., which has baffled psychiatrists and
religionists, has at the same time been approved by both
psychiatrists and religionists. There was a time when the Catholic
Church, for example, did not see eye to eye with A.A., believing that
its religion was enough to cure any alcoholic. Then A.A. pointed out
to the Church that many of its own priests, far from being able to
pull themselves up by their religion, had joined A.A. to be cured. As
a result the Catholic stigma was removed from A.A. Yet the basis of
A.A itself, which once was closely associated with the Oxford Moral
Rearmament Group, is a highly individualized religion that has been
made palatable for even the most adamant atheist. Organized, as what
Bill W. describes as "everything from a benign anarchy to a
democracy to a republic," the organization is one in which no
member can be compelled to contribute anything to it or to believe in
any particular dogma "If you believe," says Bill, "that
the hen came before the egg or that the egg came before the hen you
have enough religion to join A.A." Even the most scientific
alcoholic, he says, has to admit that by the time he gets around to
A.A. he can't help himself. Therefore, he has to admit that there's a
higher power than himself and, says Bill, "We put teeth into
this belief by telling him that God in effect is saying, 'I hope you
boys behave' but John Barleycorn is saying 'You dam well better
behave, because if you don't.'
such methods A.A. leaders estimate that they have now corralled
150,000 to 200,000 former alcoholics into their organization,
although accurate membership figures are hard to come by, partly
because all members of A.A. are allowed to make their own decisions
on how closely they will work with the organization and partly
because there are thousands of A.A.'s who, being isolated from cities
where A.A. groups are able to meet, must in their own words "stay
sober" solely by means of "The Big Book." and by means
of A.A.'s monthly magazine, The Grapevine. Sales figures of the first
edition of the book alone reached a mammoth 300,000 copies -- a
figure, which has helped convince A.A. leaders
that their membership extends far beyond their records. They know,
for example, that by means of their tried-and-true methods the French
membership has jumped a great deal from a time when the only A.A.'s
in France were American alcoholics in Paris. They also know that A.A.
has transcended many international boundaries which are normally not
transcended: for example, A.A.'s meet together from both North and
South Ireland, crossing the boundary line to do so. One boundary
still to be got across, however: the Iron Curtain. But in time even
this boundary as well as others may disappear for, as A.A. leaders
say, they have a built-in self-perpetuating system: in order to stay
cured every alcoholic has to spend some time helping another drunk to
be cured or otherwise he may very well sink back into drunkenness
for those alcoholics and potential alcoholics who would like to join
A.A. but who are remote from all A.A. groups the new and revised
edition of "The Big Book" is now available for $4.50 a
copy. (To groups the price is $4.00) If you cannot find it in your
local bookstore the book can be ordered from Box 459, Grand Central
Terminal Annex, New York City. Nobody - not even A.A. leaders - can
speculate what the demand for this book will be. Only one thing is
certain: that is that this edition will do better sales wise than did
the original edition when it was first published in 1939. In that
year A.A. publishing Inc., was left with 5,000 copies of a book which
nobody seemed to want and for which the unpaid printer's bills were
so alarming that A.A. headquarters was actually visited by a deputy
sheriff bearing a dispossess notice.
for everybody, however, the old Liberty Magazine published an article
on the struggling organization and shortly thereafter John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., sponsored a dinner for the organization. From that
moment on A.A. was a success and so was "The Big Book."
Robert Payne
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