July 1955
July 1955
ANONYMOUS Second Edition, revised. 612 pages. A.A. Publishing, Inc.
Reviewed here by an A.A. who is, among other things, a professional
book critic. Price to be set by the General Service Conference, June
book is so full of wisdom; each of its stories is so dead on the
target, that Alcoholics Anonymous should be left on the alcoholic's
night-table for continuous reference, for active and unexpected
support, for the comfort of sudden insight, the re-enforcement of
forgotten incidents, the reminder of chagrin, of hysteria, wreckage,
betrayal, and loneliness that can be described only as outer-spatial.
were all these, many of us for years, and these re-visits in their
multitude on the one hand and their merciful objectivity on the other
- now that we are calmly passing the cage instead of whimpering on
its floor - are the most moving and powerful paragraphs of our past
that we can encounter in the days of our sobriety. This is an album
of our individual past, in all its grotesquerie, its homicidal
ebullience, its sophomoric idiocy, its abuse and obscenity, its
marathon emptiness of talk, its gulping fantasy. It is a good thing
for us to traverse this rutted acreage once more; this pitted pothole
promenade. It's an important refresher course in our unbroken need -
not for glimpses of what we were and where we went - but for hard
cold steady-eyed explorations of it; deliberate returns to it;
continuous meditations upon it.
the new book, as with reading the old, is part of our life and of our
continuing education in continuing self-discovery. We can't stay
sober without thinking about being sober; thinking actively and
purposefully about it. The editorial selection of new material is
especially commendable. Here, indeed, is a tour-de-force of today s
miracle, one bravura story after another, all familiar yet all
unendingly new, each one providing its special and deeply personal
increment to the full treasure of what is without any doubt the
richest story in print of human salvage out of the jaws of human
degradation and spiritual catastrophe; of last-minute rescue at the
edge of insanity, of total recovery from total insanity.
fascination of the dilemma of obsession in the known and acknowledged
presence of abhorrence seizes the reader's imagination all over
again. And it seizes his remembrance too, for all the known antidotes
come back in these pages to straighten our sights, refortify our
nerve, and reemphasize the importance of one of A.A.'s basics: the
constant thought of others. It's a joy and a sudden challenge too, to
re-encounter the blunt question: "Why don't you choose your own
conception of God?"
can quarrel with propositions so basically sporting as this? What
arrested alcoholic can hold back a slight shudder when he reads this
once more:
you want to test yourself, go to a bar and do a little controlled
drinking. Drink, then stop" It is stabilizing and reassuring to
go over, in careful but compassionate prose, the description of the
mental states that precede a relapse; to be re-impressed with the
sameness of the distortion that afflicts the alcoholic and the
insane; to behold once again the great resource for rationalizing
that both share. It is good for us all to be warned again: that there
is no safety in a long sobriety; that patterns of susceptibility are
as set as blood types; that the disease is progressive, whether we're
drinking or not drinking. The meditations on the problem of
agnosticism become more illuminating as the years pass; acquire more
meaning and a greater sympathy with the pragmatic challenges, which
the serious agnostic puts up to the face of Faith. If the sincere
agnostic -- and there are millions -- can find a safe sobriety while
denying the existence of God, surely he cannot read these pages in
Alcoholics Anonymous without feeling a sudden dispersion of the
pressures of his own life; a lessening of his built-in prejudices; a
falling away of antagonisms. "We've stopped fighting anybody or
anything. We have to" "Who are you to say there is no God?"
to A.A (there are 6,000 groups of us now) can have a disturbing time
- old-timers an amusing one - in going over the list of methods we
alcoholics use (or used to use) to prove we weren't t alcoholics. Do
you remember them? Beer only? Never more than two drinks' (or three
or four?) Never to drink alone? To drink only at home? To drink only
at parties and never at home? Never to drink in the morning?
to keep liquor in the house? Switching from Scotch to Brandy? (A
gruesome lateral, as this reviewer can testify) Taking a trip?
Agreeing to resign if caught drunk? More exercise? Changing towns?
Going to health farms? Committing ourselves to the loony-roost.
We had
fun playing this game, didn't we? With no defense against the first
drink, with our power of choice lost for all time. The book's
explanation as to how so many alcoholics can go on and on for long
periods of time - even for pears - though drinking hard, is as simple
as it is penetrating: the will, unable to combat liquor, can remain
strong in other respects.
A.A. gets older, it is also getting younger and younger. For those
just coming in, or thinking about sampling what it is that we have,
the diagram for sensible living is laid down in these pages, the
testimony of those whose eloquent first-person narratives of the
unbelievable wreckage they have survived is here given; the strange
but visible phenomenon of our interdependence - as alcoholics - for
our continued serenity; the promise of a safe return to it after the
occasional departure: this is our diagram.
when drinking, we "extreme examples of self-will run riot,"
when not drinking we're pretty useful and fairly good company. We
derive our strength from each other, in the group. And from a higher
power by whatever name. Where it comes from, none of us entirely
knows. But how to find it is told, in rich detail by many who have
been all the way there
and have come all the way back, in the new edition of Alcoholics
New York City
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